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Australia is part of a global economy where more than 350 000 chemicals are in use. The majority of chemicals used in our materials production systems are synthetic and petrochemical based. Indeed the petrochemical arm of the fossil fuel industry is comparatively large and inherently tied to chemical production, use and disposal. Pesticides, plastics, industrial chemicals, cosmetics, therapeutic drugs and food chemicals are examples of the types of chemicals Australian authorities regulate.

In Australia more than 40 000 chemicals are registered for use but have not been subject to full environmental and human health risk assessments. Polymers of low concern or Low Regulatory Concern Chemicals (LRCC) have also been fast tracked for introduction onto the market.

While chemicals provide some of the building blocks for a modern economy they do not come without risks and hazards to our environment and human health.

Australia is a signatory to a number of international chemicals conventions designed to protect human health and our environment from the most hazardous and toxic chemicals.

Toxics Free Australia works with international organisations like the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) to promote chemical safety and ensure all hazardous chemicals are removed from production.

This work has never been more urgent as increasing evidence from scientists, experts and organisations document the chemical pollution planetary tipping points we have now reached. Our planet is contaminated with plastic, pesticides and industrial chemicals that continue to circulate in our earths natural systems affecting our food, water and lands and that imperil the lives of future generations.

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